Welcome to the official USS Gambier Bay (CVE 73) & Composite Squadron VC10 web site.


This report is retyped from original documentation provided by Marc S. Levine, son of Arthur Levine, GM 2/c. Arthur Levine (Pictured at left) served aboard LCI 337 during rescue operations.


U.S.S. LCI (L) 337
Fleet Post Office
San Francisco, Calif.


2 November 1944


From: Comanding Officer, U.S.S. LCI 337

To: Commander Task Group 78.12

Subject: Report on Rescue Search Mission of 25 October though 27 October, forwarding of

(a) Commander Task Group 78.12 Visual Message of

Reference: 25 October 1944

(A) Summary of Survivors Rescued by This Vessel.


1.     In compliance with radio orders from Commander LCI (L) Flotillas, this vessel got underway at 1716 on 25 October from alongside U.S.S. ARL 41, anchored near Dic Island, San Pedro Bay, Leyte Gulf, Philippines, and proceeded to rendezvous near U.S.S. Blue Ridge, anchored in San Pedro Bay. Upon receipt of written orders, we became part of Task Group 78.12 consisting of 2 PC's and 4 other LCI (G)'s and departed in company with them about 1900 enroute to a point Lat 11°15'N., Long 125°30'E., there to conduct search for survivors of a U.S. Navy CVE and DD's sunk earlier in that area.

2.     Search was continued under direction of Commander Task Group 78.12 until 0055 of 27 October at which time this vessel sighted and brought aboard the first of its survivors. During the day and night of 26 October debris and oil slicks had been noted from time to time. Subsequent to time of picking up first survivor and until about 0940 of 27 October a total of 172 living and 1 dead were picked up by this vessel. Of this total, approximaely were strecher cases from battle wounds of minor to major character and all were suffering from shock and exposure.

3.     At about 0940 of 27 October and with no additional survivors in sight, an order was received to take station in cruising formation for return to Leyte Gulf. Aside from a single enemy SALLY or BETTY type two engined bomber which was observed to closely approach the LCI (G) 34 as she was preparing to assume cruising station at about 0945, the return to Leyte was accomplished without incident. A medical officer from DE on patrol near Dinagat Island was embarked for a period of about one hour upon arrival at mouth of Leyte Gulf to render emergency treatment to 2 survivors.

4.     Upon arrival San Pedro Bay, survivors were transfered to U.S.S. LST 464 Hospital Ship and U.S.S. Freemont.

5.     Enclosure (A), containing as much as accurate information as circumstances allowed, is forwarded herewith.

6.     The dog tags and very limited personel effects of 2 additional men who were buried at sea by the survivors prior to being picked up, and which were left aboard this vessel, are retained by this command and awaiting proper disposition.


Copies to: ComLCI (L) Flot7
                 ComGr20LCI (L) Flot7

U.S.S. Gambier Bay (CVE 73)
c/o Fleet Post Office
San Francisco, Calif.

From: Commanding Officer.

To: Commanding Officer, LCI 337.

Via: Commander, Seventh Amphibious Force

Subject: Letter of Appreciation

1.     The officers and crew of the Gambier Bay desire to express their appreciation of the hospitality and comfort tendered by you and your ship's company after rescuing us off the shores of Samar Island on 27 October 1944.

2.     The efficient manner in which you accommodated, under extremely crowded conditions, the exhausted and many wounded survivors reflects great credit on you and those under your command. The open hearted generosity of your individual officers and men was such as to bring the warmest praise and heart felt thanks from those who beneifted thereby.

W.V.R. Vieweg

Continue to Leyte Gulf - Report from the Air (PDF File)

Continue to Survivor Reports : In Their Own Words

USS Gambier Bay CVE 73 - VC10.com